Ahmed Khedr Ad Duha

Surah Ad Duha The Morning Hours Ahmad Khader Al Tarabulsi Quran Recitation

01:05 2.5 МБ 4.4K
Surah Ad Duha The Morning Hours Ahmad Khader Al Tarabulsi Quran Recitation

Surah Dukhan Ahmad Khedr الدخان Heart Melting Voice Soothing Quran Recitation

09:31 21.8 МБ 125K
Surah Dukhan Ahmad Khedr الدخان Heart Melting Voice Soothing Quran Recitation

Duhân Sûresi Ahmed Khedr

09:31 21.8 МБ 21.1K
Duhân Sûresi Ahmed Khedr

Ahmad Khedr Surah Al Hajj Heart Melting Voice Soothing Quran Recitation سورة الحج

27:59 64 МБ 213.1K
Ahmad Khedr Surah Al Hajj Heart Melting Voice Soothing Quran Recitation سورة الحج

Surah Duha سورة الضحى Ridjaal Ahmed رجال احمد Beautiful Recitation Of The Quran

01:17 2.9 МБ 520K
Surah Duha سورة الضحى Ridjaal Ahmed رجال احمد Beautiful Recitation Of The Quran

Ahmad Khedr Surah TAHA Heart Melting Voice Soothing Quran Recitation سورة طه كاملة

27:42 63.4 МБ 3.1M
Ahmad Khedr Surah TAHA Heart Melting Voice Soothing Quran Recitation سورة طه كاملة

Ahmed Khedr Surah At Takwir Beautiful Heart Melting Voice Soothing Quran Recitation

02:56 6.7 МБ 88.8K
Ahmed Khedr Surah At Takwir Beautiful Heart Melting Voice Soothing Quran Recitation

Ahmad Khedr Surah Ar Rahman Heart Melting Voice Soothing Quran Recitation سورة الرحمان

11:09 25.5 МБ 702K
Ahmad Khedr Surah Ar Rahman Heart Melting Voice Soothing Quran Recitation سورة الرحمان

Ahmad Khedr Surah Yaseen Beautiful Heart Melting Voice Soothing Quran سورۃ یس

17:06 39.1 МБ 997.1K
Ahmad Khedr Surah Yaseen Beautiful Heart Melting Voice Soothing Quran سورۃ یس

Ahmad Khedr Surat Maryam Heart Melting Voice Soothing Quran Recitation

21:07 48.3 МБ 1.5M
Ahmad Khedr Surat Maryam Heart Melting Voice Soothing Quran Recitation

Surah Ad Duha 20 Times By Ridjaal Ahmed س ور ة الض ح ى With English Urdu Subtitles Epi 1

22:48 52.2 МБ 3.1M
Surah Ad Duha 20 Times By Ridjaal Ahmed س ور ة الض ح ى With English Urdu Subtitles Epi 1

Surah Al Fatihah Ahmed Khedr Beautiful Quran Recitation

42 1.6 МБ 13.8K
Surah Al Fatihah Ahmed Khedr Beautiful Quran Recitation

Ahmad Khedr Surah Al Jumuah Heart Melting Voice Soothing Quran Recitation سورة الجمعة

04:31 10.3 МБ 66.3K
Ahmad Khedr Surah Al Jumuah Heart Melting Voice Soothing Quran Recitation سورة الجمعة

Ahmad Khedr Surah At Tuur Heart Soothing Quran Recitation سورة الطور

08:28 19.4 МБ 108.1K
Ahmad Khedr Surah At Tuur Heart Soothing Quran Recitation سورة الطور

Ahmad Khedr Surah Al Mulk Beautiful Soft Quran Recitation سورة الملك

07:21 16.8 МБ 323K
Ahmad Khedr Surah Al Mulk Beautiful Soft Quran Recitation سورة الملك

Surah Al Baqarah FULL Ahmed Khedr Beautiful Recitation

02:08:36 294.3 МБ 227.4K
Surah Al Baqarah FULL Ahmed Khedr Beautiful Recitation

Surah Ad Duha Relaxing Recitation For One Hour With English And Urdu Subtitles

01:26 138.3 МБ 1.6M
Surah Ad Duha Relaxing Recitation For One Hour With English And Urdu Subtitles

Surah Ad Duha 24 Times By Ridjaal Ahmed س و ر ۃ الض ح ى Arabic And English Translation

30:24 69.6 МБ 650.3K
Surah Ad Duha 24 Times By Ridjaal Ahmed س و ر ۃ الض ح ى Arabic And English Translation

Ahmad Khedr Surah Waqiah سورة الواقعة Beautiful Heart Melting Voice Soothing Quran Recitation

12:22 28.3 МБ 348.6K
Ahmad Khedr Surah Waqiah سورة الواقعة Beautiful Heart Melting Voice Soothing Quran Recitation

Ahmad Khedr Sûrah An Nur Beautiful Heart Melts Soothing Recitation سورة النور

29:55 68.5 МБ 1.8M
Ahmad Khedr Sûrah An Nur Beautiful Heart Melts Soothing Recitation سورة النور
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